Milestone 6 - Radical Identification with Christ

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have a teenager in your life?

Find support by connecting with other parents and by taking advantage of some practical resources we have available.

Milestone Focus:

  • Parents are passionately committed to living a kind of beautiful, Jesus-centered life that their teenage children would WANT to imitate.

  • Parents grow in interacting with (and responding to) their child’s heart/feelings/emotions.

  • Parents cast vision for independent decision-making and encourage appropriate independent decisions.

  • Parents are passionately committed to praying for their teenage child.

  • Teenager has a good relational support system and is learning to love Jesus and follow Jesus into every area of life.

Milestone Resources:

parent summit seminar video

Leading your teenager to a radical alignment with Jesus in dying to self, and living for His Kingdom and to demonstrate that through baptism. (Greg Hill)

milestone 6 Values touched on at the Parent Summit


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